Single nutrient fertilizers
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
硫酸銨 Ammonium Sulphate |
21-0-0 | 各種作物 all crops |
尿素 Urea |
46-0-0 | 各種作物 all crops |
粉狀過磷酸鈣 Single Super Phosphate (Powder) |
0-18-0 | 各種作物基肥 all crops(base fertilizer) |
氯化鉀 Potassium Chloride |
0-0-60 | 非忌氯之各種作物 Non-chloride sensitive crops |
Potassium sulfate organic compound fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥36號複合肥料 #36 Potassium sulfate organic compound fertilizer |
7-21-21 | 以硫酸鉀為原料,適合菸草、一般果樹結果中後期 tobacco, fruiting stage of fruit trees, etc. |
寶粒鉀 #Baulijia |
5-5-25-5(O.M.) | 以硫酸鉀為原料,適合忌氯作物、一般果樹、瓜類、菸草、鳳梨等 tobacco, pineapple, fruit trees and melons, etc. |
“King Won” Potassium sulfate nitrophosphate organic compound fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥硫酸鉀型金旺特43號有機質複合肥料 #43 "King Won" Potassium sulfate nitrophosphate organic compound fertilizer |
15-15-15-2(MaO)-3(O.M.) | 以硫酸鉀為原料,適合一般果樹、瓜果類蔬菜、雜作等 fruit trees, melons, vegetables, etc. |
“Hey Won” Nitrophosphate organic compound fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥硝磷基黑旺特1號有機質複合肥料 #1 ""HeyWon"" Nitrophosphate Organic Compound Fertilizer |
20-5-10-4.5(S)-6.5(CaO)-3(O.M.) | 甘蔗、茶葉、蘆筍、牧草、桑樹、蔬菜、竹筍等 sugarcane, tea, asparagus, forage crops, mulberry, vegetables, bamboo shoots, etc |
台肥硝磷基黑旺特4號有機質複合肥料 #4 ""HeyWon"" Nitrophosphate Organic Compound Fertilizer |
11-5.5-22-5(S)-6(CaO)-3(O.M.) | 甘蔗、香蕉、甘藷、生薑、馬鈴薯、葡萄、豆類等 sugarcane, banana, sweet potato, ginger, potato, grape, beans, etc. |
台肥硝磷基黑旺特5號有機質複合肥料 #5 ""HeyWon"" Nitrophosphate Organic Compound Fertilizer |
16-8-12-5.1(S)-5.5(CaO)-3(O.M.) | 一般果樹、蔬菜、花卉、玉米、高粱、水稻等 fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, corns, sorghum, rice, etc. |
台肥硝磷基黑旺特42號有機質複合肥料 #42 ""HeyWon"" Nitrophosphate Organic Compound Fertilizer |
23-5-5-2(MgO)-4(S)-7.5(CaO)-3(O.M.) | 茶葉、蔬菜、牧草等 flowers, fruit trees, melons, vegetables, strawberry, etc. |
台肥硝磷基黑旺特43號有機質複合肥料 #43 ""HeyWon"" Nitrophosphate Organic Compound Fertilizer |
15-15-15-3(MgO) -7.5(CaO)-3(O.M.) | 花卉、一般果樹、瓜果類蔬菜、草莓等 flowers, fruit trees, melons, vegetables, strawberry, etc. |
Biotec Organic compound fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
寶藍肥 BauLanFei |
12-12-17-2(MgO)-10(O.M.) | 各種作物 all crops |
寶粒磷 Baulilin (Granular Phosphate) |
5-16-0-30(O.M.) | 各種作物 all crops |
台肥含鎂寶效1號生技有機質複合肥料 #1 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
11-11-11-3(MgO)-10 (O.M.) | 蔬菜、瓜類、果樹、茶葉等 vegetables, melons, fruit trees, tea, etc. |
台肥含鎂寶效5號生技有機質複合肥料 #5 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
16-8-12-3(MgO)-50(O.M.) | 一般果樹、蔬菜、花卉、玉米、高粱、水稻等 fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, corns, sorghum, rice, etc. |
台肥寶效39號生技有機質複合肥料 #39 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
12-18-12-10(O.M.) | 玉米、高粱、水稻、雜作等 corns, sorghum, rice, etc. |
台肥寶效43號生技有機質複合肥料 #43 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
15-15-15-3(MgO)-10(O.M.) | 花卉、一般果樹、瓜果類蔬菜、草莓等 flowers, fruit trees, melons, vegetables, strawberry, etc. |
台肥寶效101號生技有機質複合肥料 #101 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
20-5.5-10-10(O.M.) | 甘蔗、茶葉、蘆筍、牧草、水稻、蔬菜等 sugarcane, tea, asparagus, forage crops, rice, vegetables, etc |
台肥寶效105號生技有機質複合肥料 #105 Biotec Organic Compound Fertilizer |
16-8-12-10(O.M.) | 一般果樹、蔬菜、花卉、玉米、高粱、水稻等 fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, corns, sorghum, rice, etc. |
"Geili" compound fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
給力肥1號(控釋肥料) #1 "Geili" Controlled Release Fertilizer |
21-5.5-10 | 水稻及其他作物等生長期 Growing period of rice and other crops |
給力肥3號(控釋肥料) #3 "Geili" Controlled Release Fertilizer |
23-4-8 | 一般果樹、甜玉米、茶葉、蘆筍、牧草、蔬菜等營養生長初期 In the early stages of vegetative growth of fruit trees, sweet corn, tea, asparagus, pasture, vegetables, etc. |
"SuShiauBau" Organic compound Fertilizer
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥速效寶43號有機質複合肥料 #43 "SuShiauBau" Organic Compound Fertilizer |
15-15-15-3(MgO)-10(O.M.) | 花卉、一般果樹、瓜果類蔬菜、草莓、水稻等 flowers, fruit trees, melons, vegetables, strawberry, rice, etc. |
台肥速效寶101號有機質複合肥料 #101 "SuShiauBau" Organic Compound Fertilizer |
20-5.5-10-3(O.M.) | 玉米、水稻、甘蔗、茶葉、蘆筍、牧草、蔬菜等 Corns, rice, sugarcane, tea, asparagus, forage crops, vegetables, etc. |
台肥速效寶105號有機質複合肥料 #105 "SuShiauBau" Organic Compound Fertilizer |
16-8-12-3(O.M.) | 一般果樹、蔬菜、花卉、玉米、高粱、水稻等 fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, corns, sorghum, rice, etc |
Organic fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
生技1號有機質肥料 #1 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
5-2.5-2.5-81(O.M.) | 各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 all crops (organic farming available) |
生技3號有機質肥料 #3 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
5-2.5-2.5-88(O.M.) | 各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 all crops (organic farming available) |
生技6號有機質肥料 #6 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
5-2.5-2.5-88(O.M.) | 含稻稈分解菌,各種作物全期適用 straw decomposition bacteria included ,all crops |
生技7號有機質肥料 #7 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
3-2-5-80(O.M.) | 各種作物全期適用 all crops |
生技11號有機質肥料 #11 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
2.5-2-1.5-76(O.M) | 各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 all crops (organic farming available) |
生技12號有機質肥料 #12 Biotec Organic Fertilizer |
3-3-2-70(O.M.) | 含稻稈分解菌,各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 straw decomposition bacteria included, all crops (organic farming available) |
台肥2號有機質肥料 #2 Organic Fertilizer |
2.5-2.5-1.3-76(O.M) | 各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 all crops (organic farming available) |
Instant water soluble fertilizer series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥1號即溶複合肥料 #1 Instant Water Soluble Fertilizer |
26-13-13 | 茶葉、瓜類、蔬菜、花卉、秧苗等 tea, melons, vegetables, flowers, rice seedling, early fruiting stage of fruit trees, etc. |
台肥4號即溶複合肥料 #4 Instant Water Soluble Fertilizer |
14-28-14 | 一般果樹、瓜類、豆類、花卉、雜作等開花前或結果期 fruit trees, melons, beans, flowers, cereals flowering or fruiting stage |
台肥5號即溶複合肥料 #5 Instant Water Soluble Fertilizer |
10-20-20 | 一般果樹、瓜類、豆類、花卉、雜作等結果中後期 fruit trees, melons, beans, flowers, cereals flowering or fruiting stage |
台肥6號即溶複合肥料 #6 Instant Water Soluble Fertilizer (Potassium sulfate) |
5-18-18-4 (MgO) | 以硫酸鉀為原料,適合忌氯作物、一般果樹、瓜類著果期、菸草、鳳梨等 tobacco, pineapple, fruiting stage of fruit trees and melons, etc. |
台肥43號即溶複合肥料 #43 Instant Water Soluble Fertilizer (Potassium sulfate) |
15-15-15-4 (MgO) | 以硫酸鉀為原料,適合忌氯作物、一般果樹、瓜類、花卉等 fruit trees, melons, flower, etc. |
台肥1號生技蘭花肥 #1 Taifer Biotech high-effect water soluble fertilizer |
20-20-20 | 各種作物全期適用,尤其適用蘭花、溫網室及無土栽培。 all crops (leaving little or no visible residue in soil) |
Biopower stimulants series
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
台肥活力生技營養劑1號 #1 Taifer Biopower Stimulants |
5-5-5-1 (MgO) | 各種作物全期適用 all crops |
台肥活力生技營養劑2號 #2 Taifer Biopower Stimulants |
2-11-0+TE | 各種作物苗期生根與開花前適用 all crops |
台肥活力生技營養劑3號 #3 Taifer Biopower Stimulants |
0.5-0.1-1.0 | 各種作物全期適用 all crops |
台肥活力生技營養劑6號 #6 Taifer Biopower Stimulants |
0-0.2-1.3-5 | 各種作物全期適用,有機農業適用 all crops (organic farming available) |
活力鈣寶 #Taifer Biopower Liquid Calcium Fertilizer |
8-0-0-15(CaO)-0.05(B)-0.2(Zn) | 各種作物全期適用 all crops |
Microbial fertilizer
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
活力磷寶 Taifer Biopower phosphate-solubilizing bacteria biofertilizer |
0.5-0-0 | Ba-BPD1液化澱粉芽孢桿菌,溶磷菌肥料,適用各種作物 all crops |
活力鉀寶 Taifer Biopower potassium-solubilizing bacteria biofertilizer |
5-5-5-1(MgO) | ML15-4液化澱粉芽孢桿菌,並添加硫酸鉀,溶鉀菌肥料,適用各種作物 all crops |
Micronutrient fertilizer
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
活力礦寶 Taifer Biopower micronutrient fertilizer |
0-0-0-4(MgO)-0.3(B)- 0.5(Mn)-0.5(Fe) |
液態複合次微量要素肥料,適合作物全期施用 Micronutrient fertilizer, all crops |
acidic soil conditioner
產品名稱 Fertilizers |
成分/氮-磷酐-氧化鉀 N-P2O5-K2O |
適用作物 Usage |
鎂鈣肥 Dolomite |
氧化鎂18% 氧化鈣35% 總鹼度60% MgO-18% CaO-35% Alkality-60% |
酸性土壤改良用 acidic soil conditioner |